Campaign Flow's Blog

REB Guest Post: Are you protected when you use a vendor pay later option?
In our latest guest blog post on REB Online, I go over how not all vendor-paid marketing "Pay Later" options are the same. I cover some of the differences in "Pay Later" options, and how we believe we have one of the most complete offers on the market. If you have any...
REB Guest Post: What is the biggest challenge holding agents back today?
In our latest guest blog post on REB Online, I talk about one of the biggest challenges that holds agents back today, real estate marketing fees. I cover some of the hurdles that agents face when it comes to real estate marketing, and how Campaign Flow can help agents...
What VPA Finance will fund when selling a home?
When looking to sell your home a real estate agent may suggest in order to maximise sale price and appeal to as many buyers as possible you might like to consider a strong marketing campaign and look to make some improvements to your home. But having the cash on hand...
20 Top Tips To Sell Your Property And Maximise The Sale Price
Selling your property is often an exciting time as you move on to the next chapter in your life. But it can be a stressful time too getting your home looking great and ready for open inspections. With the guidance of a great real estate agent who knows what...
REB | DOMAIN | An agents take on why VPA unlocks unparalleled results
At Campaign Flow, we are big supporters of promoting a property in its best possible light to achieve the maximum sale outcome. We also love reading about agencies that are doing well and understand that Vendor Paid Advertising (VPA) is an investment in reaching the...
REB recognises our unique VAF solution
In our latest blog, REB recognises the legitimacy of our regulated vendor advertising finance and shares some of our stats. REB also acknowledges the correlation between our web-based app and Afterpay for real estate marketing. It is great to be recognised as a...
Real Estate Guru Kevin Turner recognises CampaignFlow’s value!
Some great exposure but more importantly recognition for the necessity of the VAF (Vendor Advertising Finance) service in the ever-changing real estate market. Highlighting the value of marketing and acknowledging the value of the investment and impact on eventual...
The NEW CampaignFlow explainer video! How it works.
What is VAF (vendor advertising finance)? How does it work? How does CampaignFlow fit in? Watch our 60 second video to see how CampaignFlow can help your Real Estate Agency when it comes to VAF and maximise your marketing campaign. You shouldn't be thinking about...
Campaign Flow’s New Video
Watch our 30 second video to see how Campaign Flow can help your Real Estate Agency when it comes to vendor paid advertising. No more uneasy conversations with your clients about who will fund the advertising costs. Campaign Flow can fund your vendor advertising costs...
Real estate marketing finance made easy
In our latest post on REB Online, I go over how we have made real estate marketing finance easy for real estate agents and vendors. I highlight how a well funded marketing campaign can help you and your vendor achieve better results. You can read the article here. Let...